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How we become | Together

“Thank you.”  You are with us.  You have “oohed and aahed” at the rich colors of saris carefully woven together to create beautiful pillows, napkins, and bucket bags.   You have recognized and valued what it means and what it takes...

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A critical journey | Sarah Lance

There are a lot of building blocks, thousands of pieces to be put in place, to create the opportunity for one woman to find a lifetime of sustainable freedom from sexual exploitation.  Some of the pieces are well-known: mental health...

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My Journey With Rina

When I think of all the strength we need to get through the day, all the resilience needed for the women to pick themselves up and make a new life, I am both inspired and very tired!  I have had...

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Journey with Us

I enjoy meeting people for coffee. Our shared goal is to learn how to provide value to each other. There’s always a point where one of us picks up on a shared passion. A question is asked, and the conversation...

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Meet the Founder | Part 5: Moving Forward

"The dream of Sari Bari has always been about the women of Sari Bari. So I am believing that they will take it into this next phase." - Sarah Lance In this final video in our five-part Meet the Founder...

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Meet the Founder | Part 4: Hope

" was...freedom embodied. It was hope made tangible. There were legs to freedom. It was a job and an opportunity. Not just to find physical freedom, but emotional and spiritual freedom as well." -Sarah Lance In part four of our...

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