Tinki Hopes…
Tinki Hopes; “There is so much in my life. So much that has already happened (so many dreams have already come true). But I still hope that I can provide well for my children, school and home, a bright future....
Tinki Hopes; “There is so much in my life. So much that has already happened (so many dreams have already come true). But I still hope that I can provide well for my children, school and home, a bright future....
Rohima Hopes, “that God will keep my family safe and that there always be enough food, just enough so we can live. I hope that I can one day build a home for my family, for my son and his...
What is Hope? How does one define Hope? What does it really mean? Technically, the definition of Hope is “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen,” “Perseverance, a belief in a positive outcome.” But still...
There are few days at Sari Bari that are as exciting as the day a woman receives her first wages after a month of training. We always celebrate each woman on her first day with a cake, marking the freedom...
Reflection by Kristin Keen. Kristin was a founding partner in Sari Bari and continues the fight for freesdom where she lives now in Jacksonville, FL. Here she reflects on what it was like to visit Sari Bari after two years...
What has happened in your life since you came to Sari Bari? What are the dreams you have for the future? What do you hope will happen through Sari Bari in the future? The responses were hesitant at first. But...