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Posts tagged: humantrafficking

Freedom Starts With You: Donate Your Birthday

We have a time-honored tradition at Sari Bari of remembering the day a woman chose the long, hard path to freedom.  This is called her "Mukti" or freedom birthday.  We start celebrating on a woman's first day of training with...

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Sandbagging the Tide of Human Trafficking

Almost 13 years ago this month we were about to begin Sari Bari:  a freedom business that creates modern Kantha products for the western market while providing employment to women who are vulnerable to human trafficking or exploited by the...

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Why I didn't wear blue on Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Human Trafficking Awareness Day was a couple of weeks ago. In fact, January is Human Trafficking Awareness month – FYI.  And apparently we wear blue to promote awareness now. I am not new to promoting human trafficking awareness, but wearing...

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