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A reflection by Beth

Some days for all the difficult stories, struggles, pain, disappointments that we experience, that we hear on a weekly basis… the redemptive moments peek through like the trees on the side of buildings here, like the flowers in cracked cement, like a break in the monsoon storm. The women inside our four walls often interrupt me mid-worry, and when Sari Bari heaves with laughter, I am caught off guard by life, and the potential for freedom that surrounds us all here. The laughter is contagious, hoots and hollers over mispronounced English words (one woman calls my leggings “huggies”), marriage, cooking, the lastest TV shows. Truly this place brings me to life, reminds me in the midst of worry and frustration how resilient and incredibly beautiful each one of our women are.

Even as I write, another round of belly laughs have just started in the room next door, an office full of great story tellers and a great audience… what an honor to receive such reminders of life and energy… certainly laughter is a healing balm for us all…