Sari Bari USA is closed for orders. Thank you for your amazing support!

Dear Friends of Sari Bari-

Thank you for your patience as you have waited and waited for blankets and continued to cheer us on through our long start-up phase! While we now have our website, it will be a few months yet before you are able to purchase blankets from the site. In the meantime, will are continuing to offer blankets for sale periodically via e-mail “catalogs”.

We realize that the demand for blankets far exceeds the supply we have right now so we apologize in advance if you are not able to get the blankets you are wanting for Christmas. It is likely that we will get one more large shipment in the middle of December so there may be one more opportunity to order before Christmas. (note–we will not have any bags available this Christmas, sorry!)

Take a look at the links below to see photos of blankets and then please follow the instructions at the bottom of this e-mail when placing your order. I will respond to e-mail orders in the order that they are received and do my best to update the album as items are sold. Please realize that the blanket you request may already be sold even if it is not marked. (your chances of securing a blanket are better if you e-mail me several choices or if you specify no preference and allow me to pick for you from blankets that are left).

This link contains pictures of our full sized throws. (If you’ve ordered before, this is the size blanket you got). They are 76-78″ long.–$58.00

This link contains pictures of small throws (just like the full size only a little shorter)– 72″ long–$48.00
and twin bed-sized blankets (2 photos marked twin at the end of the album)–$168.00

Please follow these instructions when placing your order:
1. Reply to this message to send me your preferences in order, or specify no preference if you’d like me to select for you. Please also include the address where you would like your blanket(s) shipped.
2. I will reply to your e-mail to confirm your order and give you your total. Please note that if you are ordering from TN or NE your total will include sales tax. Cost for shipping will also be included (for large and small throws, $7.00 for the first blanket and $6.00 for each additional). All orders will be shipped via USPS 2-day priority mail.
3. We are only able to receive payments by check at this time. After you have received your total, please make check payment to Word Made Flesh and send it promptly to Melinda Snader/Sari Bari Program Administrator 2555 Hale Ave. Memphis, TN 38112. Your blanket(s) will be shipped when your payment is received.

Thank you again for your faithful support of Sari Bari! We continue in this endeavor with joy and in hope for new life to be realized by the women of Kolkata’s red-light districts.

Blessings to you this Christmas season!