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We are SUPER excited about our membership in the Fair Trade Federation! It is an important step for us, not because it reflects changes to what we do or how we work, but because we are able to share more about our values and commitments to FREEDOM through a recognized platform that promotes those values. It demonstrates our ongoing efforts to support a structure on which the women of Sari Bari can choose, and it reflects our hope to participate together in a world we believe we can become.  

Sari Bari is now a member of the Fair Trade Federation.
Read our news release here.

 In thinking about what this announcement means for Sari Bari, here are a few thoughts I wanted to share about the importance of our membership in the Fair Trade Federation and why purchasing with organizations who hold to these same commitments is important.

Fair Trade is for ALL — it opens up space for more voices and more options.

Fair trade seeks to introduce products and services from environments that aren’t as available to the marketplace. I know the way I used to think about Fair Trade was that it was just a kindness to create an alternative to the brands I already buy — just from a new producer. That’s not what fair trade is about. Instead, it recognizes that coffee tastes unique coming from a different environment. Styles vary depending on their design origin. If our opportunity to purchase is closed and limited from other contributors, we miss out on beauty, variety, competition, and experience — and there is a world of experiences for us.

Fair Trade is for YOU — the consumer who cares about product stories.

Studies show there is a growing interest in understanding where our products come from and how people are served during the production of the products we buy (*See reference below). Being Fair Trade Certified joins with your passion, recognizing and celebrating that commitment you have, and opens up our market to conscientious shoppers like you who value the importance of the due diligence of Fair Trade products to ensure ethical treatment for all.

Fair Trade is for US — You and me! It’s another step in our freedom journey.

Our membership in the Fair Trade Federation is our alignment with you —together — to commit to better accountability, high-quality products, a global market, and more freedom for all. While Sari Bari is still striving for the same excellence it always has, our membership demonstrates our ongoing commitment to what is good for the women of Sari Bari, and what is good for each of us. Our shared love for Fair Trade is a commitment to the world we want to live in.   

Celebrate our Fair Trade Certification with us!


Let's build the economy of abundance. 
Let's find excess capacity and unleash it. 
Let's open assets, data, and minds. 
Let's address climate change and income inequality. 
Let's create the world we want to live in.
-Robin Chase


*Shoppers Are Demanding Sustainable Options. Are Companies Getting On Board? —