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a reflection from Beth

I love graduation days at Sari Bari.  They are the markers of transition, recognitions of change, realizations of something new.  Watching Shilpi receive her certificate, literacy workbooks, and handbag today I was again struck by the perseverance and strength of our women.  They come from such dire circumstances but still have the fight within to work themselves towards a new life, reviving dignity and confidence.  Now that her six months of training is finished Shilpi will go on the Sari Bari payroll full time, receiving medical, retirement, and schooling benefits for her children.  My favorite part is that she will now get a roll of name tags with her own name to stitch onto each product she produces, a sign of dignity and pride in the work she will offer.  We all need markers like today, and as my mind wanders back through the many graduations and groups of trainees we’ve celebrated with along the way I’m again left in awe

at our Sari Bari family and the heroes I have the chance to walk beside here.