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here is some really great news. we have 7 new ladies at sari bari for training. it is really exciting. yesterday was so great. we played the knot game and basically tied ourselves in a human knot and had to get out of it with team work. i told that i can not make my life go along its proper course if i try to do everything on my own…i have to God and some good friends to make the road easier and the burden lighter. it ended up being a great object lesson because the knot tooks us at least 20 minutes to unravel from…there were lots of missteps and hard parts but together with a little outside direction from upendra we got untied and gave ourselves a standing ovation at the end. all the ladies started on their own mini blankets and we right now working on making straight lines and small stictches as we move forward we get into measuring etc. we ended the day with a birthday party–for a freedom/new life party for all the new ladies. we had cake and coke and a good time. the original sari bari ladies shared with the new ladies about what the birthday party meant and what a huge party we are going to have on the 20th which is their one year freedom anniversary and the 1 year birthday of sari bari!! it was a amazing, so good, terrific day.