Sari Bari USA is closed for orders. Thank you for your amazing support!


We hired 4 new ladies and they began their training on Decemeber 1. They are doing great! We are learning alot too…one of the ladies is deaf and really has no language skills/ silent or otherwise so we are learning together how to make things work for her.

We celebrated Christmas with 15 ladies and their families. It was a huge party, filled with dancing, a special christmas song, yummy biriyani, and presents for everyone! It was a true family christmas full of hope and new life.


We are bringing on 3 more trainees this month. This will absolutely max us out at our current location putting us as 19 women in a primary unit. We have been given a grant to rent a larger space and so we are hopefully about adding another 15 women by mid year.

we are also looking for a master tailor to help get the bags in major production…right now our machine sewing skills are limited! so if you pray, pray for this!


Your overwhelming support during the christmas season has been amazing. we could not supply enough product for the demand…this is great and allows us to feel free to continue hiring women and enabling them to have freedom from a life in the sex trade.