Sari Bari USA is closed for orders. Thank you for your amazing support!


Pinky’s story changed my life. A 16 year-old girl – who had just begun selling herself 10 days earlier in Sonagacchi, one of the most notorious red light areas in the world – shared a small piece of her life with me through tear-rimmed and vulnerable eyes. She lost mother, her father was sick and she had two little brothers. She felt she had no other choice. Poverty had driven her to this place of no options. I had to walk away that day. Back in 2004 there literally was no place for her to go. As I left her, I said a prayer. I told God that I never ever wanted to walk away from a girl like that again without being offer her a way out. In 2006, that wrenching prayer was answered when we opened the doors of Sari Bari. Since then Sari Bari has grown to three production units and almost 100 women employed for freedom.

Right, now Sari Bari is almost full. There is no more room at our units in Sonagacchi and Kalighat for women or staff. (A little space remains in the prevention unit, which will fill up this month as new training begins on May 5th.).

We have been on a long road toward opening our 4th Sari Bari unit, which will provide employment for at least 40 more women. Passion 2012 generously gifted us with the funds for the building purchase and the majority of the funds for re-construction. The roof and floors have all been rebuilt and replaced, the walls stripped and redone, the stairs torn down and rebuilt; the windows and doors stripped and rebuilt; a new water system installed and now we have started some small painting projects with the help of volunteers.

We are at the door of completion and we cannot do it without your engaged partnership and generosity. You are an essential part of girls like Pinky having a choice for freedom and someplace to go other than being prostituted in the lanes of the red light area.

All that remains is the plumbing, electrical and initial set up costs for the production unit. We ask you join with us to raise the final $16,000.00 by May 20th in order to complete the work. Your partnership is an investment in freedom and helping us continue to focus our earned income on the women themselves for fair wages and good benefits.

This is the home stretch and we hope you will join us by donating to the finishing costs so we will be ready to open our doors to new women on June 9, 2014.

Finishing means…
Employment for more than 40 new women and the support of future generations toward freedom, education and new opportunities

Opening a new full time Sari Bari Trust office, employing our first full time locally hired social worker, and offers more comprehensive aftercare and support for our women.

Expansion of leadership opportunities for the women of Sari Bari

Thank you for your passion for helping Sari Bari welcome girls like Pinky into a safe place -a place where freedom and new life is possible.

For Freedom,

Sarah Lance
Co-Founder and Managing Director

P.S. We can literally give 40 women a choice. You can be a part of one woman’s first steps toward freedom as you invest in this place of safety, beauty and collaborative empowerment for women on the exodus road to freedom (Donate here)