Become an advocate
Sari Bari needs partners and friends to spread the word about Sari Bari. If you would like more information or would like to host a Sari Bari Advocacy Event in your home, university or church you can find more information here.
There are many ways to become an advocate in the fight for freedom. Whether it’s becoming more educated on the topic of sex trafficking, sharing information with others, or hosting events.
Be informed
Learn as much as you can about trafficking—how it happens and who is vulnerable—by reading books and news, watching documentaries and doing internet searches.
Become aware
Be aware of how you may be benefiting from injustice and take action. For example, you can choose to purchase fairly traded products and support companies who have fair labor practices and policies, both in the United States and around the world.
Take a stand
Take a stand against all industries that demoralize women and exploit any human being. In this way, you help break the cycle of supply and demand that must exist in order for an industry, such as human trafficking, to be a lucrative activity.
Raise awareness
Share what you learn with friends and family and sponsor an event to raise awareness in your community, religious organization or school. Use your voice on social media to share important information with your contacts – use the power of social media for good!
Contact your elected officials and encourage them to sponsor and support legislation that deals with trafficking and related crimes.
Become a supporter
Support organizations that are on the frontlines of today’s abolition movement.
Purchase products made by Freedom Businesses that provide employment to women exiting the commercial sex trade or young women who are vulnerable to human trafficking.
Supriya's story from Sari Bari on Vimeo.