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-Campaign launches Sept 11th 2014 in select Dillard’s stores -Products made by 3 freedom businesses working in India: Freeset, Sari Bari, and Polished Pearl

-Freedom businesses employ survivors of human trafficking and preventatively in sourcing areas for trafficking

28 million slaves are being used to support a global business that brings in 32billion dollars annually. If business is causing slavery, couldn’t business also bring about freedom? The Free at Last Campaign is launching in select Dillard’s stores in September to do exactly that.

The Free at Last campaign brings sustainable freedom from human trafficking through the sale of freedom products and fundraising for the start and expansion of freedom businesses. The Free at Last brand represents 3 freedom businesses: Freeset, Sari Bari, and Polished Pearl, who all train and employ both preventatively in source areas for trafficking as well as employ survivors of human trafficking.

Handbags, key chains, makeup cases, and jewerly bags from these freedom businesses will be carried in Dillard’s stores. Each purchase of one of these products offers a practical way to join in the fight for freedom. With much attention on the involvement of many in the garment industry in the enslavement of people, Dillard’s is taking a positive stand to make a difference on the front of human trafficking.

“Dillard’s is excited to be the exclusive retailer for the Free at Last Campaign and support business that brings freedom to survivors of human trafficking.”

William Dillard III
Vice President Gmm

“We are so excited to work with Dillard’s to see freedom come to those who are enslaved, or in danger of being enslaved, due to a global business that preys upon the poor and vulnerable. Dillard’s has been such a source of encouragement and support as we look to create businesses that bring freedom. They have joined us in the fight for freedom and we can’t wait to see freedom product hit Dillard’s stores in Sept as it means freedom for many more!”

Nicole Robyn
CEO of Polished Pearl

“Sari Bari is super thankful to be a part of the FREE AT LAST campaign. We are honored to share space alongside other Freedom Businesses, Freeset Global and Polished Pearl, together we are making the difference in the lives of hundreds of women who are employed with dignity for freedom. We are a part of the campaign because in the spirit of collaboration, we hope to see more Freedom Businesses start and provide more opportunity to more women in India and around the world.”

Sarah Lance
CEO of Sari Bari

“Through the beautiful products we create, The Free at Last Campaign presents an opportunity to connect the women of Freeset Bags & Apparel and their incredible journeys to freedom with consumers throughout the USA. It is a partnership which we believe is helping change lives and bring freedom to those who need it. We are very excited to be involved.”

Dan Lander
CEO of Freeset Global

The Free at Last Campaign also raises funds for the start and expansion of freedom businesses through the Freeset Business Incubator. Freeset is one of the most successful freedom businesses globally, started in 2001 and now employing close to 200 women in the red light area of Kolkata. Kerry Hilton, CEO of Freeset Global, has now launched the incubator to see other freedom businesses launch and reach sustainability. As these businesses face many obstacles, working in expensive areas (due to the local trade of trafficking), with trauma survivors, in countries with challenging infrastructure issues, there is much need for support and partnership to see these businesses succeed.

The Campaign hopes to expand to include other freedom businesses, offering a ready-made market for their products. Free at Last will also require many other freedom partners like Dillard’s join the fight by carrying products or through donations to the Freeset Incubator.

“Freeset Business Incubator is excited to be a part of the Free at Last Campaign. It’s a celebration of business at its best – a businessnpartnership focused on freedom for those who have been exploited from the dirty business of trafficking and exploitation. Business at its best seeking to overcome business at its worst.”

Kerry Hilton, Director of Freeset Business Incubator


Nicole Robyn, CEO of Polished Pearl, is available for interviews. To contact,