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We are delighted to introduce you to Suti Sana, a business of freedom in Bolivia.  Their lovely bags are now available at

Here is their story…

Eight years ago in El Alto, Bolivia a naive gringo couple started visiting the dank, dim brothels in the main Red Light District.  As they got to know the women there, they offered to help however they could. Many of the women folded their arms over their chest and cynically asked, “How do you plan to help us?”

Through the years, the answer to that question has developed into medical and legal assistance, hospitality, small loans, and most of all friendship. And all of these efforts have culminated in the inauguration of Suti Sana.

Suti Sana is an economic and therapeutic option to prostitution in El Alto, Bolivia. Suti is an indigenous Aymaran word meaning “name,” and sana means “healed” in Spanish. Within caring community, women can finally experience holistic transformation of “healed names” and identities.

Women enter the Suti Sana program for six months of training, rehabilitation, and education. During those months, the women participate in individual and group therapy, economic and nutrition classes, devotions, and training in sewing on industrial sewing machines. After six months, the women can enter Suti Sana as full-time employees.


All Suti Sana bags are made of aguayo, an Andean wool cloth that symbolizes life in Bolivia. In El Alto, women carry their fruit, vegetables, and even babies in this durable woven material. Each bag is made from 100% pastured sheep wool and may contain natural inconsistencies.

Get your Suti Sana bag here.