The way I walk…
I walk the same way to work everyday. Out my door, take a left and then a right winding my way past my friend who makes Chai tea. This woman who graces me with her smiles coming and going and...
I walk the same way to work everyday. Out my door, take a left and then a right winding my way past my friend who makes Chai tea. This woman who graces me with her smiles coming and going and...
Have you ever thought that the parable of the workers should be your business paradigm? I am mean a paradigm of work where each person is considered in the production process and their emotional, physical and spiritual well being...
There’s always room at the table by Melissa A few months ago we celebrated a freedom birthday (which is a regular occurrence). But this particular freedom birthday turned out to be a very bizarre celebration. There were lots of other...
Sari Bari Quilt Project Call for Quilters Sari Bari would like to invite the partnership of experienced quilters and quilting circles. In the fall of 2012 we will hold a Quilt Raffle/ Auction to raise funds for Sari Bari. Sari...
Sari Bari is holding its first ever Auction. We wanted to creatively engage both our customers and the friends of Sari Bari in the opportunity to help us buy the things we need which are a couple of desktop computers,...
I’ve started spending more time with the ladies who are in training at Sari Bari. The “Training Ladies” start each day with some basic education – reading and writing, and basic math. I was sitting upstairs with them, playing a...