Tyranny of Chaos
Reflection by Sheila Yoder The tyranny of chaos. I was talking with a friend last night, and he used that phrase. It stuck in my mind because so often in this city, all I can say over and over in...
Reflection by Sheila Yoder The tyranny of chaos. I was talking with a friend last night, and he used that phrase. It stuck in my mind because so often in this city, all I can say over and over in...
We are delighted to introduce you to Suti Sana, a business of freedom in Bolivia. Their lovely bags are now available at saribari.com. Here is their story… Eight years ago in El Alto, Bolivia a naive gringo couple started visiting...
Song by our very talented administrator Kyle Scott. He is not just a great a great man working for freedom for the women of Sari Bari but also an amazing a talented singer songwriter! If you want to hear more...
Reflection by Melissa Hayward At Sari Bari we have an “open door” policy for the children of our employees. There is a 2 year old girl who is at Sari Bari almost every day. She’s an absolute joy. It took...
i think on the family who lives under the stairs below my flat…full of kindness and compassion, in the last three weeks of my sickness they were up and down the stairs checking on me, bringing me fish curry and...
Reflection by Kristin Keen. Kristin was a founding partner in Sari Bari and continues the fight for freesdom where she lives now in Jacksonville, FL. Here she reflects on what it was like to visit Sari Bari after two years...