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The Little Things

Reflection by Melissa Sometimes it’s the little things…that you see – that you notice…and they make you think, and they bring you joy…or wonder… …i watched my friend packing up to leave SB the other day. She carefully folded the...

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If you had been there…

reflection by Beth Waterman Sari Bari celebrations are a normal practice for us here in Kolkata. Maybe it is a reaction to the intensity of suffering we see and experience through our friends here, maybe we just like to have...

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Sari Bari 5 Year Anniversary

I am not a mother,  I have no children of my own. I am not even married.  I am a graying single woman who is surrounded by more family, more sisters, and more children then I could have ever dreamed....

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Half Time: Reflection from Melissa

I’ve started spending more time with the ladies who are in training at Sari Bari. The “Training Ladies” start each day with some basic education – reading and writing, and basic math. I was sitting upstairs with them, playing a...

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Tyranny of Chaos

Reflection by Sheila Yoder The tyranny of chaos. I was talking with a friend last night, and he used that phrase. It stuck in my mind because so often in this city, all I can say over and over in...

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