Sari Bari USA is closed for orders. Thank you for your amazing support!

Courage and New Work

A Reflection by Brooke Taylor It takes a lot of courage to leave what is familiar and enter into unknown. It takes a lot of courage to place your trust in anyone when you have been taken advantage of multiple...

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Why an Auction?

Sari Bari is holding its first ever Auction. We wanted to creatively engage both our customers and the friends of Sari Bari in the opportunity to help us buy the things we need which are a couple of desktop computers,...

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Buy Graduation Gifts

As spring heads into summer, we are delighted to celebrate the graduation of twelve ladies on May 3rd.  There are now over eighty women walking in freedom at Sari Bari!  Speaking of graduation, there are new Sari Bari items available...

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Sari Bari Auction Ends: May 14 ,2011

Sari Bari wants to invite you to participate in its first ever auction.  Sari Bari is auctioning two unique king size blankets 92×108. Each blanket is made up of the parts of more than 20 saris.  Each section of the...

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“we’re all the same”

A Reflection by Beth Last week,  the woman who normally comes to clean the floors for the day at Sari Bari and make the morning and afternoon tea didn’t come to work.  I arrived, opening the office at 9, at...

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We had a someone volunteering at Sari Bari for a month. She was a great help in some admin work – and a beautiful set of spare hands…willing to do whatever was asked of her. And while she didn’t speak...

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